Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Another End As We Know It

Take a good look at it, guys. Because you know what? Nothing lasts forever. And it is soon going to be demolished.

So many memories in that place :'c
I remember watching it be built, watching it be rebuilt, talking to friends in it, pretending to be an actual Gameboy Game, making a movie, and hiding behind it to have surprise butt se-- I MEAN, PLAYING HIDE AND SEEK BEHIND IT. Yeah.
But now, as of this moment... it is gone.

Hopefully the memories will always stick with me.

On the bright side, look at this funny picture!

Monday, April 11, 2011


So there's this guy Dave. And he's my BFF. And he once told me I should mention him on here. Even though he is SO NOT WORTHY!!1!!!111! Mainly because he's a weirdo...

See? He's just.. so weird.

I'm pretty sure all of your friends are weird. Probably even weirder than you, if that's possible.

Psh, Dave is SOOO much more weirder than me. I mean, he just randomly butt rapes people.

Isn't butt raping your main hobby?

Pfft.. pfft.. pfft. No. *cough*

The End As We Know It

D': The day has finally come.

What day?

The day that--

JUST KIDDING. I don't actually want to know. Nor do I care. So can you be quiet now, I'm trying to watch The Notebook.

The Notebook?

Yeah. It's emotional, okay? God, just.. go away.

I think me and you are starting to switch places. But anywho, I'm not going to be quiet just for you. So like I was saying... THE DAY HAS FINALLY COME :'C. RON AND HERMIONE HAVE... I CAN'T SAY IT. THE PAAAAIN. Just look for yourselves D':



Wait, what? I was talking about this scene in The Notebook...


AAAAAAAAH! I haven't been on in years!

More like two months... and I doubt anyone really missed you.

Pfft, I'm sure my HUGE GROUP OF FANS missed me so much.


SO ANYWAY. Sorry I haven't been posting lately. I've said this before, but I'll try to be posting more. Luv u guyz, lolz.